Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The Infinite Freedom Foundation


Executive Orders and Directives




Written but not issued on May 7th, 2009


The org has been in development for more than 20 years and each year that passes the ideas and programs developed by the author continue to expand while the rest of the planet is in a big tumult about the global economy and how it has collapsed.


Many believe that the economy was collapsed deliberately by powerful finanacial interests while about as many believe that it was the power of the people and their penny pinching which brought prices down to more relatively real levels.


Over the course of the past few years the author has ever so slowly, almost at a snails pace, published more than 225 articles on the web with cross links to various aspects of the script known the world over as "The Penny King".


In the tradition of ancient story telling and mythological creations the Penny King has not only become an icon of the perfect person, he has drawn to him a vast network of people who not only agree with him and his philosophy, but large numbers of women who now want to dine on his dashing character and of course his infinite wealth.


This Penny King is today considered not only the wealthiest man in the universe, but has been billed as the world's first trillionaire - and that is where the story actually begins.


When he established the Infinite Freedom Foundation originally in 1988, it was still only a seed in his mind. It was not until 1991 until the New Beginnings Foundation was created in Washington State but later, around 1995 it was morphed into the Free and Clear Foundation of America and headquartered in Washington D.C., and then in March of 2009 it became what it is today, the Infinite Freedom Foundation so far only operating in King County.


Only the names have changed, but the ideas and programs remain the same and have gained greater popularity over time.


The number one directive of the Foundation is very simple: Help people!


So the first order of business on any given day of any volunteer who works for the Foundation is, "What can I do for you today fellow human?"


These then are the two standing orders and prime directives of the Infinite Freedom Foundation.


1. Help People!

2. Ask everyone you come into contact with, "What can I do for you today fellow human?


Do them both and win!


Alex S. Gabor

Founder & Source








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